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sv: en: Sufismen enlig Salaf

Posted: 22 Nov 2011, 23:49

En introduktion av Imam Abul Qasim al-Qushayri

Skulle här vilja introducera en viktig bok om Tasawwuf från salaf tid, nämligen:
"Risala fi ´ilm al-Tasawwuf" av Imam Abul Qasim Abd al-Karim b. Hawazin al-Qushayri
eller kort och gott Risala Qusahyriyya. Länken ovan går till en engelsk översättning av boken.

Han skkriver att "Sufsim" är en översättning av taSawwuf (تصوف) som härletts
--- från ordet "suf" (ylle - med anspelning på tidiga askters klädsel), eller
--- från ordet "suffa" (med anspening till den upphöjda del i Profetens (s) moské där han underhöll gäster under ne längre tid, vilket blivit förebilden för sufi zawiay - avskilda hörn), leler
--- från ordet "safi" som betyder ren, genomskinlig, utan främmande partiklar.

Denna bok är en klassisk manual som förklarar sufismens terminologi på grundval av salafs uttalanden och gärningar. Den är skriven på 400-t. H (dvs. för nästan 1000 är sedan) men den är mer aktuell än någonsin. Ur Imamens inledning (s. 31 i pdf-översättningen)>
Know – may God show mercy to you! – that the majority of those true Sufis
have become extinct and, in our age, nothing is left of them but their traces. As a poet put it,
  • As for the tents, they look like their tents
    And yet I see that the women of the tribe are not the ones who used to
    live in them.
This [Sufi] path has been overcome by weakness, nay the path has in fact completely disappeared. Gone are the [Sufi] elders,8 in whom one could find guidance; few are the young men, whose [exemplary] deeds and customs deserve to be emulated. Scrupulosity has disappeared from this world and rolled up its prayer rug, whereas greed has gained strength and tightened its stranglehold.

Respect for the Divine Law has departed from the hearts of men and they have chosen the neglect of religion as their support and rejected the difference between the permissible and the forbidden. They have made disrespect and shamelessness their religion. They have set no store in the devotional acts and become remiss in fasting and praying; they have galloped around in the field of neglectfulness and leaned toward those who blindly follow their lusts. They have thought little about committing sinful deeds. At the same time, they have availed themselves freely of the things they borrow from the commoners, women and rulers. However, they are not satisfied with indulging in all these evil deeds. They have begun to refer to the highest [divine] mysteries and [mystical] states and to claim that they have freed themselves from the bondage of servility and attained the realities of divine union. They also claim that they reside in God, Who rules over them with His decrees, and that they have become completely obliterated in Him. Therefore, God cannot condemn or blame them for what they do and what they do not do. They have also claimed that the mysteries of divine oneness are unveiled to them, that their souls are taken away from them completely [unto God] and that they have lost the properties of their human natures. After having been completely annihilated [in God], they have found themselves in the presence of God’s eternal light. Therefore, when they speak, it is someone else who speaks on their behalf and when they act, it is someone else who performs their acts for them, or rather, they are caused to act by someone else.

Although in this age of ours we have suffered a lot from this affliction, some of which I have just shown, I have restrained my tongue from lengthy condemnations. I have done this out of concern for this [Sufi] path, for one should not speak ill of its people.